One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the Prepharmacy Program

Why Study Pharmaceutical Sciences at Cedarville?

锡达维尔大学的预科课程是一个为期两年或三年的课程,满足进入锡达维尔大学的先决条件 Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) 程序. 在完成第一年的研究生药学课程后,预科课程将获得药学科学学士学位(BSPS). You will receive a solid foundation for advanced, professional study in pharmacy. 您还将为制药行业和其他制药相关领域的各种职业机会做好准备.

The School of Pharmacy recently launched the accelerated two-year prepharmacy 程序, 这能让你在六年内完成整个药学课程吗! As a high school senior, you may be eligible for our Early Assurance Program if you are planning to major in pharmacy. 优先录取到锡达维尔的药学博士课程,确保你在研究生院的位置, freeing you to truly enjoy your undergraduate experience.

我们战略性地设计了药学预科课程,使BSPS的最后一年成为我们研究生药学课程第一年的一部分. 当你被录取进入药学博士课程,这将允许你完成学士学位 药理学,辅修圣经,在六到七年内获得药学博士学位.

At Cedarville University, 我们以坚定的基督教观点参与21世纪医疗保健的动态环境. We develop future pharmacists who can meet the physical, 情感, and spiritual needs of patients with faith-informed ethics and commitment.

请求的信息 访问

What Sets Cedarville Apart?

Program Overview

Prepharmacy Program Highlights

圣经 — With biblical integration in every course, 你会发现科学和圣经是如何相交的,并将装备以基督徒的同情心为病人服务.

Future Thinking — The School of Pharmacy's Center for Pharmacy Innovation 寻求 今天的创新解决方案,以满足未来的医疗保健挑战.

Innovative Curriculum — Challenging academics, 以当代药学主题为特色,以文科为核心, will prepare you for advanced, professional pharmacy study. You take pharmacy courses every semester as part of the prepharmacy curriculum; many schools wait until the graduate portion of the curriculum to cover this same content.

Mentoring Faculty -您将与具有高学术证书以及丰富临床和研究经验的教授一起学习并接受指导. They are leaders in the pharmacy profession, recognized by 他们的同龄人,被媒体咨询,并作为培训师和演讲者受到追捧. Most importantly, 他们爱主,并将鼓励和引导你的教育旅程的每一步.

State-of-the-Art Facilities — You will learn and discover in the spacious, award-winning Health Sciences Center, 哪一家拥有最新的教学技术、药学实验室和模拟设备. 中心 还包括多个小组会议室,用于合作研究和学习.

How long is pharmacy school at Cedarville? Earn your doctorate of pharmacy in 6 or 7 years.

Earn Your Degree Sooner and Save $$

选择两年制预科课程,你可以在六年内完成药学博士学位,而不是七年, saving up to $20,000 on your overall costs.

Center for Pharmacy Innovation


What Can You Do With Prepharmacy?

毕业后,您将为开始您的专业药学博士课程奠定坚实的基础. BSPS项目的大多数学生直接无缝地进入塞达维尔大学药学博士项目的最后几年. 几 pursue other graduate 程序s. 在锡达维尔大学完成BSPS学位的学生中,超过90%的人将成功完成他们的药学博士学位, Doctor of Medicine, or other graduate 程序.


  • 实验室技术员
  • Pharmaceutical Industry Sales Representative
  • Pharmacist Assistants in Managed Care
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Researcher or Research Assistant

Placement Success

We’re proud of our successful graduates! 药学院的应届毕业生在毕业后6个月内100%就业或进入研究生院. Check out Cedarville’s other placement rates.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom


Hands-On Experiences — You can work as a pharmacy technician or research assistant.

外展 — You may participate in a short-term medical missions trip.

Student Organizations -加入专业组织的学生分会,探索制药行业并与专业人士建立联系. 经验包括实地考察地区药房,特别演讲 by practicing pharmacists, pharmacy research projects with fellow students or professors, service projects in the region, and medical missions trips.

Program Curriculum

Building on your general education and Bible minor foundation, you will take core science courses and a series of classes that introduce you to the pharmacy profession. 您还将学习将建立定性研究技能,装备的课程 你应该为你的专业药学课程所期望的研究而努力.


  • Profession of Pharmacy – History and Issues
  • Profession of Pharmacy – Introduction to Public Health

Start Your Degree in High School!

现在就选择双录取课程来节省时间和金钱. 了解如何在短短六年内完成您的药学博士学位 Dual Enrollment Pathway to Pharmacy.

Explore the Dual Enrollment Pathway

Program Format and Related Programs

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

Program Level and Format

  • 本科
  • 住宅
  • 2年的选择

From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement

Program Faculty

Photo of Jeffrey一. 贝茨

Jeffrey一. 贝茨, PharmD, BS Pharm, FMPA

Dean and Professor of Pharmacy Practice


Photo of 希望不走正路的


Director of 本科 Pharmacy 招生

